Tech Stack
Sandbox triggers
GCP OAuth to process the leads in the system for the manually passed leads. Using the Google toolkit and the Json to repopulate the leads.
Serverless State Machine
Run the state machine using the existing connectors in the UK South data region.
Lead Capture
Database to storage the leads for the marketing not to spam the same recruiter.
Tech Stack
SAS Tools
Gmail, Google Suite tools to be used to send emails to recruiters
Infrastructure As Code
Diagnostic implementation
Run powershell scripts
Automated scripts to create the link for the diagnostics for the logic apps to connect them to storage and Event Hub
Tech Stack
Microsoft Teams
Messaging Tools
Instant messaging to do the continuous integration.
Automation Templates
Practical implementation of the API tools hosted in Azure marketplace for the state machine
Log Analytics
Multi functuion monitoring
Logging into the same workspace to be able to monitor 100+ logic apps to coordinate the workflow
Tech Stack
Azure Functions
Azure, Functions are used to do complex data manipulations and use the modern languages where we need to use the libraries that are not available for the state machine
Text Analytics
Create custom cover letter
Text Analytics using the GPT function to be able to create a custom response.
Storage for the persistence of the system for the logic apps coordination for the log analytics debugging.
Tech Stack
Search Service
Debug the text service
Search Service used to debug the GPT output.
Application Analytics
Performance Stats
Showing the performance metrics for the state machine
Smart Detector Rule
Practical flagging on the data that is being provided
Tech Stack
Sql Database
Persistance for the leads
SQL Database is used to store the lead information.
Azure Data Explorer
Azure Data Explorer to investigate the logs generated by the event hub.
Realtime debugging
EventHub is used to coordinate multiple logic apps at the same time. Be able to diagnose at realtime and have the logs for the services that is not running as expected.